Melinda Gates said "A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman."
Women population constitutes around five hundredth of the globe population. And most of the ladies round the world ar unemployed that's the explanation our world is suffering economically a great deal. girls ar equally competent even girls ar sooner than men in several socio- economic activities. without doubt girls ar the backbone of our society like caring mother, adoring daughters, competent colleagues and different roles are by women around us with grace.
Women's empoerment as a financial, political, and socio-social interaction challenges the arrangement of sexual stratification that has caused women’s subjection and underestimate to enhance women’s quality of life. There are so many Challenges faced By Women in our country like discrimination at work, Challanges they faces at there safety, life and dignity,Non-acceptance of working women, Juggling between work and home, and so many.
We are driven by the vision of a world wherever all ladies enjoy full citizenship, earn with dignity and generate wealth and worth for all. Perience has shown that after we facilitate ladies and empower them, the total society edges. Their families ar healthier, youngsters move to college, financial gain levels improve and communities become a lot of prosperous. However sadly in our country, faraway from being authorised, most girls are denied even their basic rights like health, education, employment, and a decent standing in society. Because of the prprint_rence of social organization they need not been ready to face a decent position in society at par with men. Since past, Women have participated all told social and spiritual affairs, thus it's a requirement that their chastity, modesty, and dignity ar protected to make sure their dignified position in society. while not removing social stigma, progress and development can't be achieved. For this, each government and non-government organizations got to step up and play an energetic role in making awareness in society The program identifies adolescent Women and women from the community and develops them into amendment Agents,and successively actively contribute to the community mobilization method.